Raising the Next Generation Of
Holy Wild Birthkeepers
Fall Cohort Starting October 2025
is this you?
You feel the call to be a doula or birthkeeper but your search for a program that “fits” you – a believer in Christ and a champion of autonomous birth – is coming up short.
You’ve been a birth nerd for a while, but you don’t know how to translate that into an actual ministry or business as a birth attendant.
You know that being a birth attendant is a sacred responsibility that no weekend-long training program can prepare you for.
You are tired of having to piece together multiple trainings in order to be equipped to witness and support women well in a holistic, biblical perspective.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if…
You stumbled upon a training course committed deeply to the way of Jesus that teaches a way of attending births that is truly holistic?
You could be equipped as a person and with a skill set that enables you to confidently step out as a servant in birth outside the system.
You found something other than mere certification, but a process of transformation releasing you to embody the same spirit the midwives of Exodus had.
You could grow and learn alongside like-minded women into the birth attendant or childbirth educator you are uniquely called to become.
Listen to Lauren and Brooke discuss what makes a good birth attendant… And what Hearthmother Journey is all about.
Your Journey Starts Here
Your Journey Starts Here
Hearthmother Journey is THE course to take if you desire to serve women in their childbearing years in the role of God-fearing childbirth educator or coach, doula, birthkeeper, birth witness, or midwife.
Learn the ways of the intercessor, the gatekeeper, and the wise guide that Yahweh is calling you to be.
In a world where the terms of midwife and wise woman have been co-opted and lost their meaning,
Hearthmother rises...
She is not the medically-focused modern “midwife” or the New Age crone or worldly “wise woman.”
Hearthmother is centered on the holy hearth of God, laying her agendas on the altar, to serve as a handmaiden of the Lord, to carry a fire that will warm and light the home, and to prepare the food that will feed its occupants.
Her way is a methodology founded on Biblical principles of how we might serve women that heralds Our Creator and paves a rightly ordered path of walking through life in wholeness and healing, deeply rooted on the word of God and His plan, design, and wisdom given to our foremothers.
Inside This Container…
Learn the way of the Hearthmother, become an expert in the servanthood of birth work, understand God's design for birth, honor autonomy, support families and protect new life, physically and spiritually.
Take a discipleship journey into knowing your Creator and yourself on a deeper level, so that you may walk with women in integrity as a light-bearing sister.
Grow deep and lasting relationships of sisterhood and support with a cohort of women who share the same spirit and like-minded birth philosophy.
What’s Included?
Online modules walk you through The Way of The Hearthmother. Each module is composed ofvideo (and some text-only) lessons, an introspective journal workbook, plus bonus links for deep-dive study.
The modules are dripped out two consecutive months, then you’ll enjoy a “rest and digest month”… rinse and repeat.
There are 181 lessons and roughly 400 pages of workbook content in total. See what’s in the modules below this section.
Access to Brooke’s Embrace Birth Journey (EBJ), a comprehensive, faith-based home birth preparation course library.
After you complete the course, you’ll have the option to license and use a version of EBJ in your work with your clients in your local community.
Four live Zoom calls (call them Hearth Calls) each month (2 with Lauren, 2 with Brooke) where you can ask questions and process what you’re learning in your studies alongside your cohort sisters.
Bonus! We host a prayer and devotional call to begin each month.
A students-only private community area (we use Mighty Networks) for growing in sisterhood and support and assisting one another in your studies.
Within this large container, you’ll also be placed in smaller cohort circles based on geographic region.
A detailed and in-depth guide to studying what scripture has to say about this sacred calling, women, and birth. This brilliantly laid out plan coincides with the lessons in each module, helping you integrate the Word with your studies every step of the way.
We don’t do or believe in certifications or regulation around here, but we will give you a Certificate of Birth Ministry and a digital badge to mark your hard work and dedication inside HJ and commission you as a minister of the gospel through birth ministry.
You'll have an opportunity to participate in a virtual commissioning and blessing ceremony as well, and will receive a beautiful waterbottle that says “hearthmother” on it.

“It is a rare opportunity to have women such as Brooke and Lauren provide a learning journey like Hearthmother. Simultaneously learned and intuitive, I treasure the access I have to their collective wisdom. It is without a doubt an answer to my prayer for connected women of God in my life and education.”
“Learning from Brooke and Lauren is like being enveloped in this sisterhood of nurturing knowledge that presses me deeper into the work of God on my life as much as my knowledge in birth.”
What’s Inside?
This 12-month course immersion is designed on the framework of The Way Of The Hearthmother.
Each module includes between 11 and 30 lessons, a workbook, a devotional, a scripture reading plan, book list, and a resource folder.
To see a detailed list of every specific lesson title, go HERE.
Get familiar with The Way of the Hearthmother, Cyclical Living, and Whole Person Perspective, three undergirding concepts that inform the entire program. You’ll also set intentions for your final project and meet your cohort.
HJ includes a wide array of practical resources to assist you in setting up your birth ministry-business so that you can take off and FLY into your calling.
We begin by digging deep into who God is and how to root ourselves in His authority through specific spiritual practices.
Learn how to wait on and in the Lord, and to be clear and whole in your identities as a woman and a birthworker.
Dig deep with good questions that clarify what is needed, both for yourself as a birthworker operating in integrity and for the clients you will walk with.
Explore the role of other believers in equipping and supporting your calling, as well as your role as a member of a birthing mama’s support system.
Life works best when lived according to God’s design. Here you’ll practice bringing yourself into alignment with that through holistic, biblical self care. You’ll also learn how to assist the women you serve to do likewise so that they are set up for beautiful births.
Attending births is an art form and our presence there is the first intervention. Learn the art of holding space and supporting physiological birth in the gentlest and least disruptive ways, as well as how to utilize complementary modalities for your clients’ thriving.
Here we explore how to recognize when things are no longer normal in a birth and when outside assistance is required, and what it looks like to navigate that with wisdom and grace, as well as how to process and recover after-the-fact.
The module looks into the effects of The Fall bringing death into the world and how that can intersect with birth. Then we dive into current hot-button topics of our culture and their intersection with birth work.
Meet Your Guides
Lauren and Brooke — co-hosts of The Holy Wild Birth podcast — are delighted to have to opportunity to pass on the flame of anointed birth work through Hearthmother Journey. Learn more about us below.
Lauren is a traditional midwife, trained through Indie Birth Midwifery School and a great deal of self-directed learning. She serves her local community in Central Arkansas as well as women around the country as a midwife with hopes and dreams of international travel for missionary midwifery.
She is a mother to 8 children, including a set of twins, and has experienced a great variety of birth stories with them.
She is the founder Rooted in Eden and primary facilitator of Anointed Midwifery Unschool, to which Hearthmother Journey is a prerequisite.
Brooke has been attending births since 2012, first as a birth photographer, then a midwife apprentice, then a doula and birthkeeper (and sometimes wearing more than one of those hats at a time).
She’s the creator and facilitator of Embrace Birth Journey and a large home birth community of naturally-minded, Christian women on FB.
She lives in Michigan with her husband and their 6 children all of whom were born at home.
You can learn more about her and her offerings HERE.

The journey begins October 1, 2025
You're invited...
You're invited...
Keep an eye on this space for our August open house
To get an invitation, you MUST be on our First-To-Know List.
You can expect to experience:
a sneak peek of the courses, workbooks, and community space
hearing the story and heart behind Hearthmother Journey
testimonials from current students about their experiences
participant questions answered
Come sit by the hearth...
…invest in your calling
$1450 x 2
Pay half now, and half in 6 months
Billed monthly for 12 months
Pay Up-Front
Best value
Enrollment is currently closed
We created Hearthmother Journey because of how often we hear/observe that the typical weekend-long doula training programs fall short. This course may contain some “old” information for you (though it never hurts to brush up on such things), but it will definitely take you deeper and wider in your knowledge base and discipleship journey than any other doula training you may have done in the past.
We have actually had fully trained and practicing midwives go through HJ in order to learn the Hearthmother methodology, which is not taught anywhere else and to access the in depth Scripture Reading plan that guides you through what God has to say about birth, women, and servanthood. -
Nope! In fact, discerning the precise nature of your unique calling in serving families through the childbearing year is part of the course. The concepts and skills imparted through this experience will serve you very well no matter which role(s) you end up taking on.
So many of us receive our call and passion for birth work in the thick of our own childbearing years. You’re in good company.
We recommend prayerfully asking God what this season of your life is for and what you’re called to prioritize within it. Sometimes a burning passion doesn’t equate to pursuit of training RIGHT NOW. Other times it does. Go to God and discuss with any significant people in your life that can help you discern.
From a practical standpoint, you will need to have time for an estimated 7-10 hours per week of focused time to watch lessons, fill out workbooks, study, and attend mentor calls.
You will receive a certificate of birth ministry, birth servant or birthkeeper badge to display digitally to indicate the training you did complete and a beautiful water bottle to commemorate/mark your hard work in this course.
However, certifications are largely arbitrary and meaningless, with every doula-training program creating its own criteria. We do not believe certification and regulation are in line with the work of traditional birth attendants and so will not be creating or offering certification.
Though I’m sure there are many transferable skills and information that could be carried into hospital doula work, Lauren and Brooke’s area of expertise and working philosophy is really in home birth, so you’ll find that this course speaks from and to home birth specifically.
However, the course does contain a lesson on supporting planned hospital births and others on navigating home birth transfers to hospital.
You will be asked to attend and reflect on a minimum of 3 out-of-hospital births during your 12 months in Hearthmother Journey IF you are hoping to be a doula, birthkeeper or midwife (or anyone who attends births). This is optional if you are aiming to be a childbirth educator, postpartum doula, or otherwise support women outside the birthing room.
Additionally, you will design a final project (2 if you aren’ t attending births) in keeping with your goals for your future birth business/ministry, which you will submit for review at the end of the course and before receiving your certificate of completion.
You are also required to complete at least 70% of the course content and submit a final Journey Story submission prior to the Transition Ceremony and badge-bestowing.
1:1 transition interviews also occur as a place to review your projects, reflect on your journey thus far, and dream into the future with you.
We plan to have a Spring and Fall Cohort each year.
We really hope you’ll stick with us long enough to see how intentional and vital every single bit of the program is AND that you’ll push through the initial growing pains that come with starting a new program!
But if you come to realize within the first 30 days after the start of classes that the program is not a good fit for you, you are free to un-enroll.
The first $500 is non-refundable and you will be asked to either return or pay for your Welcome Box. You will then lose access to all course content and the private community/calls at that time.
NO REFUNDS will be available for those who cancel after the first 30 days.
If timing is the only issue, you may choose to defer your enrollment until either of the next two cohorts, applying the $500 you have already paid toward that cohort.
It’s not a tiny chunk of change, certainly but we’ve done our “market research” and sought the Lord in prayer, and are VERY confident that this price point is well below the cost of comparable offerings out there right now (like $9k less!)
We encourage you to shop around if that will help reassure you of the worth of this offering.
“Taking the time to sit at the feet of Brooke and Lauren is an honor and a privilege. They challenge you to think deeply, dare to step outside the box, and draw you closer to God. They are wise women so beautifully packed full of wisdom, knowledge, and God’s grace.”
— Brandy, Wild And Free Birth
We Believe…
We believe it is from abundance and blessing we live and that we are able to pour out to bless others.
We believe people are able to be their best selves in community and women supporting women is vital to holistic health.
We believe wisdom is owned by no one human but given freely through Holy Spirit.
We believe in giving individuals the tools they need to achieve their own goals. We are committed to keeping each birthing woman in the seat of authority, responsibility, and ownership in her childbearing and in her life.
We believe we were created as image bearers of the Creator and as women, we carry a cyclical design that contains a picture of the seasons of the earth from which we were formed.
We believe that whatever is in the spiritual realm will manifest in the physical
We believe our womb carries a theology of the gospel of blood sacrifice and death, that brings forth life and rebirth.
We believe that birth is not primarily a medical event; it is a normal physiologic event that most women will experience at least once in their lifetimes. Women have been giving birth for thousands of years before the medical system as we know it was developed and began to dominate the spheres previously occupied by wise older women in the birthing woman's community. It can therefore, that it can still be experienced as a non-medical event.
We trust God and respect birth, and believe in the sanctity of life. We recognize that life and death are a cyclical portion of everyone’s story.
We believe in the power of story, to heal, overcome, impart encouragement, and to connect and instruct.
We believe the body was created to heal itself. “The power that made the body heals the body.” BJ Palmer
We believe that just as much as birth is an intricate and exquisitely designed physiological process it is a spiritual and emotional process, too. A good birth attendant will know how to facilitate and make room for all of those layers of the process to safely and freely unfold. Sometimes (often!) this means she will “sit on her hands.”
We believe that the role of women attending other women in childbirth is as ancient as the human race, and that licensure, certification, and regulation are not prerequisites to calling or qualification to do this work.
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Interested but have questions? Reach out.
Hearthmother Journey is a ministry of Rooted in Eden PMA
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