Hearthmother Journey
Detailed Look At The Modules
Pull Up A Chair - Overview
Stoke Your Fire Devotional
Your First Assignments
Front End Assesment
Choosing Your Final Project
Bible Reading and Study
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Bible Study Principles
Bible Study Methods
Verse Mapping
Your Guiding Framework
The Way of the HearthmotherWhole Person Perspective
Living Cyclically
Step 1: Prayer And Worship
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
Knowing God
Who is God?
The character of God
God as the Great Midwife
Cultivating a Relationship with Christ
How Do We Respond?
What is Worship & Prayer
Being an intercessor
How to Pray-Read the Word
Rachel’s Prayers | The Cries of a Laboring Woman
Hearing God’s Voice
Who is on the Throne?
Living a Fasted lifestyle
Spiritual warfare
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics
Step 2: Wait Upon The Lord
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
Wait, Have Faith, Rest
Waiting on The Lord
Growing Faith
Identity in Christ
Biblical Femininity
Owning your story (Unpacking Your Baggage)
Your Self-Talk Story
Your Calling
Discerning and answering your calling
Defining Birth Servant Roles
Assessing Your Present Skill Set
Representing yourself with integrity
The Role of Witness
Stepping into The Work
Opening to Invitations to Births
Managing Your Own Fear at Births
Taking Care of You
Biblical, Pro-Active Self-Care
Addressing Needs & Creating a Self Care Plan
Brief History of Midwifery
Types of Midwives
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics
Step 3: Get Curious
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
Relationship with Yourself
Holistic view of the person
Holisitic vs Allopathic Perspectives
The Practice of Introspection
Getting Curious with Yourself
Relationships With Clients
Building Relationship Overivew
True Listening
Asking good questions
Holistic Curiosity: Asking Questions When Challenges Arise
Client Clarity
Honor-based confidentiality
Abuse and Sexual Trauma
Trauma Informed Care
Managing Information
Research and Gathering Resources
Charting & Note-Taking
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics
Step 4: Engage The Body of Christ
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
Introducing Embrace Birth Journey
Welcome To Embrace Birth Journey
Your Own CommunityMarriage and Family Health
Your Community Support
Forming a Prayer Team
Your Birth Professional Community
Nurturing a Healthy Birth Culture
Circle of Colleagues
Peer Review Process
Your Client’s Community
Leaving Behind “Savior Mentality”
Being part of an aligned birth team
Helping Clients Find Their Own Answers & Path
Your Clients Wise Counsel & Prayer Team
When the Client isn’t a Believer
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics
Let's Get Down to Business
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
Lordship Over Your Business & Ministry
Completed in Month 1
Business that is also ministryWho Are You Here to Serve
Vision, Mission, Beliefs
Sending Out Your Message
Completed during Month 2
Branding - What is it?Client screening
Branding : Messageing
Branding - Creating a Brand Kit
How You Serve - Menus & Methodologies
Completed during Month 3
Setting Goals
Creating Your Offering(s)
Peripheral Services (More than Birth Attendance)
Certification, Licensure, and Regulation
Behind The Scenes
Completed during Month 4
The On-Call Life
Setting Your Prices
Managing Money
A Helpful Automation Tool
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics
Step 5: Live as Designed
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
The Female Body
Basic Anatomy & Physiology (A&P)Female Anatomy
The Beauitful Pelvis
A&P of Pregnancy
Cycle basics
Alignment Basics
Belly Mapping for Birth Workers
Integrated Nutrition
The Birth Process
Is Birth Cursed?Anointed Birth
Birth Hormones
Cardinal Movements of Birth
Placenta A&P and How is shares the Gospel
Cord Separation
Newborn Transition
Supporting Normal Birth
Supporting NormalMystery Can’t Be Measured
Sights, Sounds, and Sensations of Labor Progress
The Art of Holding Space
Pain Relief techniques/Mindset
Complex Birthing Situations
A Portrait of Postpartum
Postpartum A&P
Supporting Postpartum
Practical Postpartum Instructions
Supporting a Lying-In Period
What to do with a placenta
Supporting Breastfeeding
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics
————Continuing Embrace Birth Journey
Step 6: Gentle Intervention
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
Entering The Space
Knowing When to Use (and NOT to use) Your ToolsAssembling a birth bag
What to Wear
When to Show Up
Skills For Actively Supporting Labor
Comfort Measures (Mothering Skills)Well-Placed Words
Supporting Water Birth
Supporting Prolonged and Irregular Labors
Labor Furniture
Planned Hospital Birth
Making Space in the PelvisTrouble-Shooting Using Positioning
Counter Pressure
Support Using Woven Fabric
Gentle Healing Modalities
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Networking with complementary professionals (chiropractors, CST, etc.)
Skills For Actively Supporting Postpartum
Vasovagal Response in the Immediate PostpartumVaginal Steaming
Closing Ceremonies
Healing Perineal Tissue
Recognizing Postpartum Mood Disorders
Birth Story Medicine
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics
——-Continue working through Embrace Birth Journey
Steps 7&8: Forceful or Invasive Intervention
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
When to use the Mainstream
Recognizing when it’s NOT normalKnowing when you’re at the limit of your own skill set
Utilizing intervention wisely
Moving past black and white thinking
Navigating by values rather than ideals
Decision-making process
Home birth transfer skills/process
Their Tools
Induction Discussions
Basic understanding of forceful/invasive interventions available and when they might be appropriate
Processing the Shift in Plans
Tools for processing birth trauma
Debriefing your clients’ experience in a healthy way
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics
——Finish Embrace Birth Journey
Biblical World View
FireSide Devotional
Birth Servant Scripture Reading Plan
Book List Recommendations
Effects of the Fall
Eternal Perspective - Death has lost its sting
Supporting Pregnancy Loss
Supporting Still Birth - When Birth and Death Meet
Wading in the Grief with HerPersecution
In The World Not Of It
New Age, Witchcraft, and Paganism
Gender ideology and Politics
Birth Control
Deeper Still Resources on all the of the above topics———
Submit Final Projects