Midwife, Rightly Ordered
Lauren and Brooke have each had free births and are supportive of them. But we're also supportive of midwifery (I mean, Lauren IS one!)...
But what does the word "midwife" mean anymore? Doesn't it seem like that word gets applied to lots of very different sorts of birth attendants?
What do the letters after her name mean? What if she doesn't have any letters? How much do those letters (or lack thereof) really tell you about what sort of a midwife she is? What makes someone a midwife and what are her roles and functions?
And how do you go about choosing one? Does it matter if she's a believer?
You won't walk away from this episode with a one-size-fits-all guide to finding/selecting a midwife but you will walk away with some great questions to ask yourself, discuss with your husband, and pray through. Don't miss it.
References related to this episode:
Shiphrah and Puah, the midwives in Exodus 1:15-20
From Lauren:
From Brooke:
Trust God, Trust Birth Workshop - a 5-part high-level roadmap to confident home birth (pay what you can)
Embrace Birth Journey Membership - comprehensive and holistic faith-based home birth preparation
Natural Christian Home Birth (Assisted and Unassisted) - a FB community