
Holy Wild Birth

For Christian mamas and birth workers who desire to embrace physiological birth... outside of the medical system.

Holy Wild Birth is a podcast embracing the reclamation of giving birth rooted in God’s original design, undisturbed. Here we share home birth stories highlighting God’s presence as the Great Midwife as well as conversations about all aspects of a holistic, Spirit-led childbearing year from the perspectives of traditional midwife Lauren Hall (Rooted in Eden Private Contract Association) and birth keeper and childbirth educator Brooke Collier (Sister Birth).


Lauren Hall Lauren Hall

Living as Cyclical Beings

If you've gone most of your menstruating history seeing it as an annoying inconvenience at best or a painful torture session you'll want to tune in for this episode.

We'll explore:

  • the deeper meaning and symbolism of our cycles

  • what it means to be a cyclical being (our menfolk too!)

  • similarities between cycles phases in our bodies and in creation as a whole

  • how God "sees us" in our cycles and makes provision for us

  • how our bodies express truths about YHWH and the gospel

  • feminine and masculine ways of learning and living with our cyces

  • and so much more.

It's a delicious conversation. We hope you'll never see your period the same way again!

PS: Don't forget that our first-ever cohort of our one-of-a-kind holy wild birthkeeper training Is OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT until October 25th. We start classes on November 1st. ⁠Join us in Hearthmother Journey today.⁠

Resources for Your Deep Dive

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Lauren Hall Lauren Hall

The Way of The Hearthmother

The concept of hearthmother is a very personal one for Lauren, one which the Lord has been fleshing out over the years and has grown to include a model of sorts for finding your way into wholeness and health in virtually any area of life, but for our purposes here, in regards to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.

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Lauren Hall Lauren Hall

Surpassing Pain-Free Birth

Join us as we explore the theology of pain, the "curse" on Eve in the garden, why pain-free births end up happening (or not), redemptive suffering, expecting the goodness of God in birth, and what a better focus and goal might be instead of pain avoidance. 

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Lauren Hall Lauren Hall

Midwife, Rightly Ordered

Lauren and Brooke have each had free births and are supportive of them. But we're also supportive of midwifery (I mean, Lauren IS one!)...

But what does the word "midwife" mean anymore? Doesn't it seem like that word gets applied to lots of very different sorts of birth attendants?

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Lauren Hall Lauren Hall

Autonomy and Radical Responsibility

What is autonomy and how does it relate to radical responsibility? We'll unpack the meaning of these concepts and their application to pregnancy, birth (and beyond)! Grab practical tips for walking joyfully in your responsibility as a pregnant woman, and consider the big picture theology behind this invitation, too.

We welcome your thoughts and reflections on this subject, too. Shoot us an email at holywildbirth@gmail.com.

Find us both online

Lauren's IG: @anointed birth

Brooke's IG: @sisterbirth / sisterbirth.com

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Lauren Hall Lauren Hall

The Origin Story

In this episode, we'll introduce ourselves - Lauren Hall (Rooted in Eden) and Brooke Collier (Sister Birth) and let you in on the winding path that led us into birth work, to one another, and then to the creation of this podcast. You'll see the fingerprints of God all over this origin story! You'll also hear more about what to expect in this space moving forward.

Lauren on IG @anointedbirth

Brooke on IG @sisterbirth

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