As you grow and anticipate the birth of your baby and transformation coming for you, know you don’t need to walk it alone.

This is your journey. Let me hold your hand.


Is this you?


01 — You’re 100% dedicated to your choice for a HOMEBIRTH and are wanting a different style of care than is offered in the allopathic medical system

02 — You want to invest emotionally and spiritually in this experience.

03 — You want to take full responsibility for your own health and desire full informed consent and refusal on all choices, from what pregnancy testing you’d like to have to the right to choose none at all.

04 — You believe the right match of midwife to woman is special, even intimate, and would prefer a midwife that serves you and not the government, as you want your wishes beliefs, intuition respected above all or any medical rules.

I desire to be a wise witness and guide, not the director.

Let’s get to know each other.

Midwifery Pricing


Package One


  • Receive in-depth education and care from a body-soul-spirit perspective throughout your pregnancy and beyond

  • 24/7 availability for questions or concerns from start of care up to 6 weeks postpartum

  • Prenatal appointments (once every 4 weeks from 12-28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks, and

  • weekly from 36 weeks, and bi-weekly after 41 weeks)

  • Being on call for your birth starting at 37 weeks (typically $50 a day in most professions)

  • Your birth, including phone contact until you ask me to come until about 3-4 hours after birth.

  • General Physical Newborn Exam and CCHD screen

  • 6-8 postpartum checkups for you and baby throughout the first year.

  • Optional use of birth pool, pump, and hose (does not include liner and other water birth supplies)

  • Access to a curated well of resources

  • Herbal Labor tea ($12)

  • Postpartum Affirmation Cards ($19.95)


Package Two


Everything from package 1 plus:

  • Custom Blended Aromatherapy oil to suit

  • your particular needs. ($70 value)

  • Childbirth Education Course ($399 value)

  • Postpartum Closing Ceremony ($200 value)

  • Postpartum sitz bath herbs ($15 value)

  • 1 Postpartum meal

  • 15 day supply of Vaginal Steam herbs ($30

  • value)

  • 2 as needed remedies from my personal

  • apothecary (herbs, oils, homeopathics)

  • (~$30-50 value)

  • 3 hours postpartum doula care ($150 value)


Package Three


Everything from package 2 plus:

  • 30 day supply (instead of 15) of Postpartum Vaginal Steams ($50 value)

  • 4 as needed remedies from my personal apothecary (herbs, oils, homeopathics) (~$60-100 value)

  • One week of 3 hour daily postpartum doula services ($1000 value)


Virtual Packages & Pricing


Pay what you can

(suggested donation of $120)

1.5 hr Single Consult

These preconception, prenatal, and postpartum session(s) are led by you and are customized based on your specific needs and desires. I will follow your lead, and as needed will gently ask questions so that you can go deeper in exploring your needs, desires, and fears during this sacred time of a women's life. 

These stand alone virtual midwifery visits are what you make them. They can be any of these and more:

  • Open and flowing dialog addressing questions about birth

  • A prenatal care appointment while you look for care provider/plan a free birth

  • A childbirth prep “crash course”

  • Deeper Emotional & Spiritual support to go alongside your OB care

  • A second opinion

  • Birth Story Processing

  • Birth or Postpartum planning

  • Mediation between you and your partner surrounding birth decisions

  • Well Woman Care & Support

  • Fertility Support

  • Miscarriage/Post-Loss Support (will always be done as a gift)

These confidential sessions can be just you and I, with your partner, or your entire birth support team. I want to give you a place to process and release fears, anxiety, trauma, hopes, and wishes around your childbearing year.

*all services are provided to members of Rooted in Eden PCA only - no charge for membership*

Virtual Prenatal and Postpartum Care


  • Receive in-depth education and care from a body-soul-spirit perspective throughout your pregnancy and beyond

  • Access to a curated well of resources

  • Specialized birth prep for a self-directed birth.

  • 24/7 availability for questions or concerns from start of care up to 6 weeks postpartum

  • Prenatal appointments (once every 4 weeks from 12-28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks, and bi-weekly after 41 weeks)

  • 2-3 postpartum virtual checkups for you and baby

  • Does not include availability for your birth

Virtual Prenatal, Birth & Postpartum Assistance


  • Receive in-depth education and care from a body-soul-spirit perspective throughout your pregnancy and beyond

  • Access to a curated well of resources

  • Specialized birth prep for a self-directed birth.

  • 24/7 availability for questions or concerns from start of care up to 6 weeks postpartum

  • Prenatal appointments (once every 4 weeks from 12-28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks, and bi-weekly after 41 weeks)

  • Being on call VIRTUALLY for your birth starting at 37 weeks. (typically $50 a day in most professions)

  • Virtual attendance of your birth, including video call and phone contact.

  • 6-8 postpartum virtual checkups for you and

    baby through 1 year